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Location: San Jose, California, United States

A tasty life of a Japanese wife and an American husband. Visit our fun mixed cultured life. *Click on the photos to enlarge. 日本人妻とアメリカ人夫の楽しいクロスカルチャーライフをご覧下さい。写真はクリックすると拡大します。

Saturday, January 07, 2006


My husband, Steven asked me "So, is your blog all about food?" Ok, is a non-food entry.

We found some tiny flowers on the peach branch I arranged for New Year. It is VERY cute and elegant...The brunch was just a simple stick with buds when I bought it but now it changed its looks completely. New life! New Season! New Year! Here California doesn't get so cold comparing to East Coast or Japan but we still long for Spring to come. Because we can get peaches and tomatoes....Ooops, I wrote about food again.