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Location: San Jose, California, United States

A tasty life of a Japanese wife and an American husband. Visit our fun mixed cultured life. *Click on the photos to enlarge. 日本人妻とアメリカ人夫の楽しいクロスカルチャーライフをご覧下さい。写真はクリックすると拡大します。

Sunday, November 27, 2005


We went to my host family's for Thanksgiving dinner. We brought a Marbled pumpkin cheesecake
and Cauliflower, shrimp, red pepper and tomato sunomono (vinegar marinated). I took out the side of the spring form pan when the cake was still warm and soft and the cake collapsed!!! I baked some leafe shaped cookies and put them around the cake. See!!! You cannot tell it was collapsed, can you? :) We had a great time with the Gillespies.