Cooking weekend

As for the cooking, I made a peach crisp for snack.

The appetizer, layered tuna tar tar and avocado is my work. Looks pretty, doesn't it?
A tasty life of a Japanese wife and an American husband. Visit our fun mixed cultured life. *Click on the photos to enlarge. 日本人妻とアメリカ人夫の楽しいクロスカルチャーライフをご覧下さい。写真はクリックすると拡大します。
We got a new kitchen toy! This grill is so cool because we can grill things with lid closed like Panini or make it flat and make pancake on the smooth surface and grill peaches or toast bread on the un-smooth :) part. And look!! It can be fold very neatly to store. We also tried it on our balcony to do outside cooking. So far, we grilled steak, pork ribs, vegetables, chicken and make some breakfast but every time we used this grill, we got so excited and forgot to take pictures so only pic we have is below, chicken and peppers. Yummy...