Christmas time
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このサイトはこちらに引っ越しました。新しい私達のJapamerican Life はそちらでご覧下さい。
Since we won't be home for Christmas, we didn't get a tree this year. But I LOVE Christmas decoration so put some Christmas flavor here and there in the house. Some ornaments and lights on the brunch on the corner table.

Even our favorite Noren has some Christmas ornaments.
Nut cracker guys are standing in line this year.
We will be in Japan for the holidays and guess what we are doing on Christmas morning? Opening presents? Noooooooooo. Visiting Kyoto Palace and doing some Yudofu (Tofu hotpot)!!! What a different way to spend Christmas, huh?

We will be in Japan for the holidays and guess what we are doing on Christmas morning? Opening presents? Noooooooooo. Visiting Kyoto Palace and doing some Yudofu (Tofu hotpot)!!! What a different way to spend Christmas, huh?