Our new place in Sunnyvale is coming along and our dining area is ready!! It is decorated very neat with the wine/wine glass racks which are wedding gifts from our friends. Steven's Paris map looks very nice there because its frame color marches the candle holders which are also given as wedding gifts :)

The first dinner in the new dinning area was chicken roast in the clay pot. I cooked it with shiitake mushroom, renkon (lotus root), onion, garlic, and zucchini and it was FANTASTIC. The chicken was very juicy and aromatic and the lotus root was the surprisingly tasty. I want to try root vegetable dish in this clay pot next time.

"Yes, we would like an outside table, please. " Shhhh! This is a secret restaurant. The truth is.....leftover of this big dish were served as a lunch in the patio next day. :)