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Location: San Jose, California, United States

A tasty life of a Japanese wife and an American husband. Visit our fun mixed cultured life. *Click on the photos to enlarge. 日本人妻とアメリカ人夫の楽しいクロスカルチャーライフをご覧下さい。写真はクリックすると拡大します。

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Our second married year

Today, we started our second married year. We had our wedding cake which had been frozen for a year. It was still delicious. White chocolate covered chocolate mousse cake.

It was like this on our wedding day one year ago.

We also lit the candle we lit at the wedding. At our wedding ceremony last year, our mothers lit our candles and we lit this big candle with our candles. It was like our mother gave us lives and the lives become one life together. I remember this touched my heart so deeply on that day. Now we have two mothers and we had great relationships with them...I cannot tell how lucky we are to have great mothers like them!!