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Location: San Jose, California, United States

A tasty life of a Japanese wife and an American husband. Visit our fun mixed cultured life. *Click on the photos to enlarge. 日本人妻とアメリカ人夫の楽しいクロスカルチャーライフをご覧下さい。写真はクリックすると拡大します。

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

I love my life...

I had been very busy at work today and came home late. The-sweetest-husband-in-the-universe of mine was waiting for me with dinner at home !!! He cooked Perch with Chinese sweet soy sauce and steamed prawns. The Chineses sweet soy sauce was cooked down with ginger and it's got deep flavor. The prawns were so tender steamed with blanched garlic and peanut oil. It was such a treat!!! I came home very tired and these fabulous dishes and his smile were waiting for me. How lucky I am!!!